Hvítasunnukirkjan Fíladelfía


For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also. 

- Matthew 6:21

Ways to give

Give through the internet

ID Number (Kennitala): 5401693739
Gifts: 338-26-500
Tithes: 338-26-400


Give at church

An offering is taken at most services. This is done to strengthen and build the church, which is primarily funded by tithes and offerings. There you can set money in the offering box or use your debit/credit card in the card reader. Of course, all are free to give or not give. Sometimes there is a collection for a cause that is mentioned specifically.

Each of you should give what you have decided in your heart to give, not reluctantly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver. 2 Cor 9:7

Why do we give?

God is generous and He wants us to be too. What we do with what we have been given reflects where our heart is and helps us to preach the good news.  

The handling of funds

What do we do with the money given to Filadelfia?

The offering is counted by at least 2 trusted parties immediately after it is collected. The total is written down and the paper is signed by both parties. After that, the money is placed in a sealed bag and place in a locked cupboard. On a working day, the treasurer takes the money to the bank, where the total counted by the cashier is compared to amount on the signed paper. 
Filadelfia uses an accounting firm to manage the accounts of the church. Since 2015, Ernst & Young has performed the audit for Filadefia.
Monetary Committee
The monetary committee monitors the daily financial operations of the congregation and is under the control of the congregation. The Board of Directors shall have unlimited access to all the accounting and operating data of the congregation. The monetary committee advises on the church budget, comments on potential spending. and manages the payroll. The Board of Directors is responsible for the preparation of the annual accounts for the past operating year, which shall also be audited by the auditor or the inspectors.

The treasurer is chosen by the church board. Gjaldkeri er valinn af stjórn kirkjunnar. The Treasurer has the task of paying bills and organizing the accounts of the Church and bringing it to an auditing firm that audits the Church's accounts